Final Essay 4

Have you ever thought about what can improve in your own neighborhood? I have been in the same neighborhood for 23 years and counting. In the city of Fall River, everything is always changing and yet some things remain exactly the same. I have seen many changes reflect in my community and would love to see more improvements such as cleaning, and fixing fixtures and the road at the local community park. I propose our city council arrange some funds to fix the area.
In my neighborhood there is a park down the road which could be a great place for families to gather and enjoy on a beautiful day, unfortunately the park is filthy. The fencing is coming apart, there is grafitti on everything including the large rock at the enterance. The equiptment is outdated but still safe to use. The community does its best at cleaning the area but the trash still lingers around like a seagull looking for food at the beach.
Not only is the park dirty and there is litter all over. The roads are full of cracks and holes and the sidewalks are raised and weeds are growing from beneath.
At one point this park was clean and well taken care of. I as a child would walk there with my siblings after my older brothers baseball game to enjoy the swings and monkey bars or just simply running around and playing tag with our neighborhood friends.
Parks have many benefits to our neighborhood children such as provide a safe and clean area to explore nature and play with their family and friends. More benefits a park has to offer is to give the children a place to express there imagination. Playgrounds also promote healthy lifestyle and being fit. “When kids are playing, they are learning reflexes and movement control, developing fine and gross motor skills and increasing flexibility and balancing skills. On top of that, when kids are involved in physical activity, they’re building stronger muscles and improving bone density, improving heart and lung function and preventing obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol.”( IPEMA, “Voice of Play”)

As a person of the community I would update this playground and the surrounding road and sidewalk to better provide a safe place for our community a place where they don’t have to clean and worry about their child getting into things they should not be. Our city council would be able to make room in budget through funding. “Being outdoors is one of the strongest correlates of physical activity in children. Playgrounds are spaces especially designed to enable and foster physical activity in children.” (Z Gesundh Wiss. 2017; 25(6): 661–669.)

Work Cited

Benefits of Play

Peer Review

I like the organization of your essay and believe you clearly established a problem such as road work. Your thesis is clear and appears to deem appropriate for your essay.
Questions. I agree with your reasoning in your unified and focused paragraphs. Your essay is appropriate for MLA 8 guide lines

Essay 4 Rough draft

Have you ever thought about what can improve in your own neighborhood? I have been in the same neighborhood for 23 years and counting. I have seen many changes reflect in my community and would love to see more improvements especially at the community park.
In my neighborhood there is a park down the road which could be a great place for families to gather and enjoy on a beautiful day, unfortunately the park is filthy. The fencing is coming apart, there is grafitti on everything including the large rock at the enterance. The equiptment is outdated but still safe to use. The community does its best at cleaning the area but the trash still lingers around like a seagull looking for food at the beach.
Not only is the park dirty and there is litter all over. The roads are full of cracks and holes and the sidewalks are raised and weeds are growing from beneath.
At one point this park was clean and well taken care of. I as a child would walk there with my siblings after my older brothers baseball game to enjoy the swings and monkey bars or just simply running around and playing tag with our neighborhood friends.
As a person of the community I would update this playground and the surrounding road and sidewalk to better provide a safe place for our community a place where they dont have to clean and worry about their child getting into things they should not be. “Being outdoors is one of the strongest correlates of physical activity in children. Playgrounds are spaces especially designed to enable and foster physical activity in children.” (Z Gesundh Wiss. 2017; 25(6): 661–669.)

Work Cited


When you picture a childhood memory where is it? Most can think of a time when they were young at a local park. There are swing sets, seesaws, monkey bars, and slides. Playgrounds offer children many things just from playing. Each piece of playground serves a purpose.
At the local playground children can experience overcoming of a fear, for example a child may be scared of heights but after seeing other children at play and exploring and more interaction that child can overcome the fear of heights and gain confidence while doing so and will eventually learn how to conquer goals.
Some families can find the parks to be dangerous and nerve wracking. As a parent there is nothing more rewarding then seeing your child explore and learn new things. At a playground your child learns how to connect with nature, learn how to fall and get back up, learn how to wait a turn because someone is using the slide first. For example climbing to the top of the slide gives a child a confidence and accomplished feeling.
Children are our most prized possesion and not only are they our greatest joy they are will be our mirror image in the future the next to lead the world. The playground helps shape them. Children are free to express themselves and their knowledge grows. The park attributes to many things such as strengthen o their imagination but also creates friendships, where children can engage and learn how to interact with others. “A visit to the playground is more than fun. It lets kids exercise their bodies, brains, and social skills. It also gives them a chance for unstructured, free play that’s important for healthy development.” (Playground Safety By: Julie Gilchrist, MD, FAAP)
Work Cited

Findings By JOHN TIERNEY JULY 18, 2011
This article explains the importance of which the playground shapes a child.
Excerpted from Play, Development, and Early Education by Johnson, Christie and Wardle

The Power of Play by Siobhan O’Connor

Playground Safety By: Julie Gilchrist, MD, FAAP
The value of (pre)school playgrounds for children’s physical activity level: a systematic review by: Karen Broekhuizen, Anne-Marie Scholten and Sanne I de Vries

Essay 3 peer review.

While reading your annotated bib I find your annotated bibliography to be great, organized, and full of information and your sources seem to connect perfectly with your topic. I like how you added some information to back up your quotes example: The CDC website. Your in-text citations appear to be used correctly according to MLA guidelines as well.

Rough draft Essay 3

What playground features are especially engaging for children?
Excerpted from Play, Development, and Early Education by Johnson, Christie and Wardle
The Power of Play by Siobhan O’Connor
Playgrounds offer children many things such as knowledge of nature, brain strenghtening activities, and fun playful activities. Each piece of the playground serves a purpose. Children are free to express themselves and their knowledge grows. not only a strengthen of imagination but also creates friendships, where children can engage and interact.
At a playground children of all ages are free to explore nature and use their imagination. “A good playground must have playhouses, forts, and other structures that children can change, adapt, reconfigure, impose their own meaning on, and use to expand their imagination. These structures encourage rich sociodramatic play; further, they are an ideal place for the playground to reflect the cultures of the children who use it.”(pp. 1) by Johnson, Christie, Wardle.
Children can be seen running around, jumping, and going down the slide all while interacting and engaging with other children. Children are learning how to take risks. For example, a child may be afraid to do certain activities such as a swing alone however, at a playground a child may experience challenging themselves. Excercise is a main necessity in a childs life, a playground offers to keep children active by running around back and forth between playground activities.

Shopping Final draft.

Have you ever noticed why the layout of the store is the way that it is? Shopping can be a difficult task and having to maneuver a store while balancing a list and possibly children while trying to beat the clock to get home, you may have thought it was a in and out process. After careful observation and scientific research by Malcolm Gladwell he had posted a article “The Science of Shopping” which touches base on the mechanism of shopping. Walmart is one of the many stores that can end up being over a hour long shopping trip due to the stores layout.
Walmart is the store that I least shop at not because I would rather shop at Target but because of the moment you enter the parking lot you’re already feeling the rush to move faster as your battling the fast walking pedestrians and those vehicles that want a spot in the front. As you make your way to enter the store you’re immediately greeted by a associate that my daughter deems as a hero because they hand her stickers and in a chippy voice tell her to enjoy her shopping trip. As you pass the rather eccentric associate you are immediately greeted discounted display items with deals with the product below, items you don’t need but a sale you don’t want to miss.
Although I tend to always come to Walmart prepared with a list of what I need. For this shopping trip I only needed to purchase chicken. As I made my way through the middle of the store I couldnt help but stop in one of my favorite locations, apparel, as I browse through the clothes I listen in to another customer discussing with her friends on how badly she needed the bright colored pajamas that had Disney characters on it because she had a upcoming trip to Disneyworld next year. Her friends had tried to talk her out of it as her trip is over 4 months away, the girl had her mind made up as Disney items are seasonal and were on sale. As I made my way to the register after choosing the chicken I needed I was that same girl who put the pajamas in her carraige had also stopped to see the Disney display of movies by the cash register and she again looked to her friends to discuss the up coming trip while tossing the Disney products into her carraige.
According to Paco Underhill in “The Science of Shopping” all major departments such as meat, dairy, and produce are seperated and in between are filled with miscellanious items so that when a customer is shopping and the more time they walk around and browse things they arent there for the more they buy. “For this reason, a supermarket will often put dairy products on one side, meat at the back, and fresh produce on the other side, so hat the typical shopper can’t just do a drive-by but has to make an entire circuit of the store, and be tempted to by everything the supermarket has to offer.” (p68).


“For this reason, a supermarket will often put dairy products on one side, meat at the back, and fresh produce on the other side, so hat the typical shopper can’t just do a drive-by but has to make an entire circuit of the store, and be tempted to by everything the supermarket has to offer.” by Malcolm Gladwell (p68).